Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Waiting is the hardest part...

No doubt you've seen those commercials for "The Office"... waiting is the hardest part. Well, here we are waiting. We got the results of the 24 hour urine test and amazingly, my protein levels have decreased from 290 to 240. Not the outcome that we expected, but a good one none the less. I am having mixed feelings because a higher number may have meant delivery, but the longer he bakes the better.

Buckson said that she would deliver me by next Tuesday at which time I will be 37 weeks. She also said that I could go home if I wanted to but she would rather me stay here. I told her that I would talk to Eric about it and let her know, in the mean time I was going to take a shower. I thought that a relaxing shower would help me decide to stay but after bumping every surface of my naked plumpness on the shower walls, I was no closer to a decision.

After speaking to my mother, mother-in-law, Eric and nurses I have decided to stay. They kicked me out of Labor and Delivery and down to the first floor where they keep their mothers- in- waiting. The nurses here aren't quite as sweet but at least I can have frequent BP checks as well as fetal monitoring...I also have plenty of gas ;-)

FYI, Sweeny stopped by for a bio-physical...that is the game show type test that I told you about before...Healthy baby!

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