Monday, August 11, 2008

Still here...

It has been nearly 2 weeks since I have taken to my bed and my house has never been cleaner and my checking account balance never higher... It's amazing how clean your house stays when everyone lives in one room and how much money you save when you have to stay in bed... thank God for online shopping. I got a massive deal at Old - they are having their stuff and save sale which means 20% off your entire purchase, PLUS I had a $10 off coupon, PLUS free shipping when you use your Old Navy card, PLUS since they are owned by Gap, I could shop at too without paying extra shipping , PLUS I had a Gap gift card - Yowzaa! I only paid about 70 bucks for $140 worth of baby and big sis clothes.

My house not only looks good because I am trapped in one room but also because my saint of a mother has been here nearly everyday keeping up with the laundry and dishes and such... she is my house maid meets laundress meets personal chef/waitress, not to mention dog trainer and nanny!

I am continuing with my biweekly Sweeny appointments - which aren't really with Sweeny - they are with nurses/techs who perform a sonogram and non-stress test (NST) every Monday and just an NST every Thursday. They are looking for 5 different things - for each thing I get 2 points - 8 out of 10 points and I pass - no partial score is given - either 2 or 0 - Sounds like a game show, right? OK so with each sonogram they are looking at gross movements, breathing (which does not equate to lung maturtiy), small movements, and amniotic fluid. With the NSTs they are looking for the baby's heartrate to accelerate by 15 points twice within a 40 minute period. Jr and I have passed each time but he as not been "reactive" on the NST so he gets the 8/10 points from the sono.

FYI - Buckson is on vacation this week so I will see her partner - Dr. James on Thursday... I am hopeing to hang in till she returns, I really want her to be the one to deliver Baby NoName.

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