Sunday, August 17, 2008

Its time... I think

On Thursday I went for my regularly scheduled appointments but my blood pressure was higher than it had been. I had dropped off another 24 hr. urine sample that morning before my appointment but the results weren't in when I went to see Dr. James - Buckson's partner. Concerned about my pressure, Dr. James sent me to Labor and Delivery for bloodwork... quickest way to get results... 2 hrs later my results were in and were negative for pre-eclampsia so I was sent home to wait for the results of my 24 hr. urine. Friday morning, Dr. James protein level was 290...remember 300 is pre-eclampsic. She told me to come in on Monday to see Dr. Buckson but because my bloodwork was fine, she was not going to admit me just yet... oh I forgot... she doubled my blood pressure medicine too.

So... tomorrow morning, We have my regular monitoring appointment at Sweeny's (8:30) and then off to Buckson's for a 10:45 appt. I have a feeling we will be having a baby tomorrow... it took 2 weeks for my protein levels to jump from 170 to 290... it won't take long to go up 10 points...I think its time.

We are as ready as we can be, Pacey and suitcase are at my parents, my bag is packed, Eric is packing his bag as I type... we have our list of phone numbers and a mental list of everything I want to take to the hospital, including several pillows, my cell phone, and a lap update my blog of course!

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Carrie,

Our bags are packed and we are heading your way for the arrival of our new grandson.

See ya later,