Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I went for a sonogram this morning - NO, I AM NOT PREGNANT!!! It was to have another look at the seroma around my incision - the lovely place where all that fluid has been pooling and draining. Anyway, the draining has really decreased but is still happening so Dr. Buckson sent me for another sono... it showed that there is not much fluid left in there rather it is becoming scar tissue - so nothing to remove - it also showed that it has decreased in size. Dr. Buckson wants to continue to monitor it so I will see her every 2 weeks. The good news is that this should qualify me for more time off! Yippee!!!

On a much lighter note - Elliott smiled today for the first time - a real, non-gas, non-funny-faces-you-make-when-you-fall-asleep smile :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm pretty sure Elliott's next smile will be at Mommaw! Love, Mom