Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I survived... hey, hey!

Well I came through my "procedure" just fine... sort of - I was feeling great Thursday afternoon but when I woke up Friday morning I felt like I had been at the gym for 10 hours... ouch - every muscle in my body screamed with every move I made. Mom came up to help with the kids... you remember her - the saint... anyway - as my body got better, my cough and sore throat got worse - I thought it was just from the breathing tube but no - upper-respirotory infection - yay! It is now day 3 of antibiotics and I am feeling much better.

Eric and I leave for a "business" trip to San Antonio for 5 days on Wednesday afternoon. My mother - the saint - will have the kids - pray for her!

In other medical news - Elliott went for his 9 month well baby visit last week - even though he turned 10 mos on Monday - anyway - the doc noticed his slight head tilt (to the left) and suggested we see a physical therapist - I had been concerned about his neck for a while but it seemed to come and go but she could really see it last week so away to PT we went. Monday was our first appointment and it went well - the PT said that he was going to be a challange (SHOCKER) because she usually worked on babies before they were mobile (TOO LATE). We will go to PT twice a week for 4 weeks. The medical term for his current condition is torticollis.


Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie, Thanks for the update and glad you are doing better and are able to get away with Eric.
Boy, seems like nothing is to easy with Elliott, but he is so cute.

I have talked about Pacey and Elliott so much that I have given the blog link to my friends, they just love seeing the pictures.

Have a nice time away,
God Bless........Pat

Anonymous said...

I checked to see if you had done any blogging from Texas. You've got to post that pic of you in the hat when you get back. Well, its Saturday night and your children and your mother are still having fun! Love always, "The Saint"