Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Today we went to my friend Britta's for her annual 4th of July cookout. They always set up slip-n-slides and a kiddie pool. She said to be sure to bring my suit for the slip-n-slide - I told her no thanks - that would pop out my baby for sure :-) After Britta's, we came home and Pacey napped - yesterday my ankles began swelling again so I put my feet up for a couple of hours before dinner. We had planned on going to the Naval Academy to watch the fireworks but just when we were getting ready to leave, a thunderstorm rolled in. We settled for the Macy's Spectacular instead.

Here are some pics of Miss Leigh in her star-studded duds...

Yesterday I went to see Dr. Buckson. Eric was off so he went with me, he always attends my Sweeny appointments but this was his first Buckson visit. I reintroduced them since it had been over 4 years since they had seen each other and jokingly told Dr. Buckson that Eric only goes to Sweeny appointments because he gets to see the baby and that her appointments are a bit boring... she let him have it (I loved it!) she put him on the spot and asked him how far I was, he fumbled to come up with 27 weeks - WRONG- she said - 29 and 2 days! We had a good laugh and then down to business - she measured my belly - still 4 weeks ahead - I have a feeling, I measure 4 weeks pregnant even when I am NOT pregnant. My pressure was good and my only complaint was my self-diagnosed restless leg syndrome. Between it and Eric's snoring I am hardly getting any sleep. Buckson joked that sleep was overrated then offered me a prescription sleep aide which I passed on for now. I told her that I was not ready to take anything for it, I just wanted her sympathy. Buckson did let me know that I am scheduled for an amnio at 8am on August 26th and a C-section at 9am on August 27th... very exciting!


Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Pacey is as cute as ever. Wow our new grandson's birthday will be a week after mine.

Love to all,

Anonymous said...

Carrie--I just remembered to check your blog--I just love it that you posted some of Bryan & Summer's wedding pics--and I love the music! Keep posting! Love, Mom