Monday, August 4, 2008

Dreaded Bedrest

Well, here goes... last Tuesday (7/30) I had an appointment with my Endocrinologist. When I stepped on the scale, I nearly fell off because I had gained about 13lbs since my last OB appointment which was less than 2 weeks ago. I told the nurse that I was pretty sure the scale was wrong so she reset it and I got on again...well the result was the same. She went ahead and checked my blood pressure which at that time was normal. So, I went on with my appointment, my doctor made adjustments to my insulin levels...yada, yada, yada... I told her about the scale and she said that there was another one in the office that we would try on the way out - she got on first to check its accuracy then I stepped on - it read the same damn thing as the other one. Leaving her office, I really started to stress...not good for blood pressure right? Rapid weight gain is a sign of pre-eclampsia, when I got admitted with Pacey, I had gained 10lbs in 2 weeks. My endo is in the same building as my OB so I called upstairs to let them know about the weight gain. As I waited for her to call back, I sat in my car and cried...again, not helping my blood pressure. I was so upset because I knew what was coming. With Pacey, I was clueless - I had no idea what pre-eclampsia was but now I do and it scares the crap out of me!

So anyway, Dr. Buckson called back and told me to come up - she put me on the scale -my actual weight gain was 8lbs - still significant. By this point my stress had boosted my blood pressure to 170/90 - YIKES! Dr. Buckson said - "Well, you just bought yourself a 24 hour stay at the hospital, do not pass go, do not collect $200 -go straight to labor and delivery for 24 hour monitoring and testing."

So away I went, tearful and unable to reach Eric on his cell phone. I called mom and she met me at the hospital. When I got there they put me right into a room and in a gown. Dr. Buckson came in to deliver her orders - 24 hour urine collection, a slew of blood tests, and fluids via IV. By this point, I had contacted Eric and he was on his way - mom was there too. I have never in my life had an issue with needles, IVs, blood work, etc... well they could not find a vein for my IV - one nurse dug around and left a nice HUGE bruise on my arm before going to get a "pro" - she got my IV started and drew blood - no bruises. The nurses were great and while I was very upset, I knew I was in good hands.

Once Eric got there, Mom made 2 trips to my house - to pack me a bag and then to get my dogs and my child from daycare. Pacey was very upset and cried when Mom told her where I was... it broke my heart when she came to see me because as soon as she saw me, she tried not to cry but couldn't help it. She was very confused - asked lots of questions over and over...

OK - I feel like I am writing a novel - so I am going to condense - my blood work came back fine - no indication of pre-eclampsia - my pressures fluctuated between 140/70 and 100/50 - my 24 hr urine reflected a protein level of 170 - normal is 70 - pre-eclampsic is 300... so, I am on my way there.

Dr. Buckson released me around 6pm on Wednesday - BED REST!!! She really thinks she can get a couple more weeks out of me - we'll see. I have my bag packed JIC (just in case).

So, to recap...hospitalized Tuesday, July 29th - released and ordered to bed on Wednesday, July 29th - bored out of my mind with daily breakdowns by Monday, August 4th.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry! We'll get through this! Love you! Mom

Anonymous said...

Your are such a trooper sister! I know its killing you to be on bedrest, but when you see that little boy's face, it will have all been worth while! I find myself wondering what he'll look like? Of course, we know he'll be perfectly beautiful! I mean how could he not be with you as his MOTHA.......and of course Eric too! Pacey is a the perfect example of the beautiful babies you two make! Yahtzee! Enough about makin babies...... Anyway, hang in there and try not to worry too much! You Carrie, can do anything and your just around the corner! He's almost here....can't wait to meet him! LOVE YOU LOTS SISTA!

Anonymous said...

You're on the home stretch now so try to be patient. You're doing great! I love reading your blogs and I love, love your music, but get off the computer and go back to bed! Love you, Terri